Fire & Motion 30
Fleeting Quote
When you tilt the odds in your favor, the world does most of the work for you. / What makes life mean something is purpose. A goal. The battle. The struggle. Even if you don’t win it.
歷史顯然不是一種電腦化的理論運算,主要的成就恰好都落在以零或五結尾的年份,歷史充滿了不連續、逆轉和不可預測的偏離。[...] 我們無法只因為某人決定要讓全球消費曲線,從長達數百年的上升趨勢突然反轉成持續快速下滑,就立刻去改變現行供電系統的運作,畢竟這套複雜的系統包含了一百多億噸的化石燃料,以及超過十七兆瓦的能量轉換率。
讀到「以零或五結尾的年代」讓我笑了出來 (笑),此刻人們使用的各種系統,如供電系統、農業系統、產業生產鏈......等等,其複雜度與糾纏程度遠超人的想像,而要在短短的數十年改變 (對比工業革命以來的兩個世紀) 相當的困難。
比起想像未來會出現哪些新東西,預測什麼事物不會改變 (或變化很小) 才是揭示未來最有效的途徑。《這個世界運作的真相》時時地提醒我,要以周延的觀察來理解既有系統,並以謙遜的態度來想像未來:歷史與科技的發展並非一蹴可及,也不會有什麼重要的事件或發明在一瞬間改變一切。
萬物皆有價,追尋天賦與熱情時更不該忽略金錢的重要性。在成就幸福的五個要素 (職涯、人際關係、財務、健康、居住地點) 中,也唯有職涯一事能同時帶給另外四項要素正向的影響:理想的職涯能帶來 meaningful relationship、健康的財務狀態、維持身心靈的健全,並能對居住地點有所選擇。
我常想,大人學的存在即是導正學員的 perspective,以符合職場規則的視角來審視全局。未來會再報名大人學的「V018用經營公司的思維經營你的人生」。
Serving others 無論是在職場或者人生其他方面,都必須排在首位!
我喜歡這個解釋 (笑)

Ending judgement means you neither add nor subtract from the facts before your eyes. Things appear as they are, undistorted.
and to accept things as they are.
"Asking for qualities" describes this other kind of role-playing. When introducing this idea, I usually say something like this: "Imagine that I am the director of a television series. Knowing that you are and actor that plays tennis, I ask if you would like to do a bit part as a top-flight tennis player. I assure you that you needn't worry about hitting the ball out or into the net because the camera will only be focused on you and will not follow the ball. What I'm mainly interested in is that you adopt professional mannerisms, and that you swing your racket with supreme self-assurance. Above all, your face must express no self-doubt. You should look as if you are hitting every ball exactly where you want to. Really get into the role, hit as hard as you like and ignore where the ball is actually going."
As I tried this mindset during my badminton practice, I found that it not only aroused my confidence, but it also helped relax my muscles and immerse myself into the games.
A child doesn't have to break the habit of crawling, because he doesn't think he has a habit. He simply leaves it as he finds walking an easier way to get around. [...] In short, there is no need to fight old habits. Start new ones. It is the resisting of an old it that puts you in that trench.
Act maturely, but think like a child.
True competition is identical with true cooperation. Each player tries his hardest to defeat the other, but in this use of competition it isn't the other person we are defeating; it is simply a matter of overcoming the obstacles he presents. In true competition person is defeated. Both players benefit by their efforts to overcome the obstacles presented by the other.
so it is our opponent who truly has the abillity to bring the best out of ourselves!
What does it mean to win the Inner Game? [...] Any attempt to define an answer to this question is an invitation to Self 1 to form a misconception.
What a great conclusion to end the book! It is hard to not compare the Inner Game with Taoism: the key isn't pursue hard but with elegance, and once the nerves are tense, the beauty of the game is lost.
軍力與經濟實力可以再數十年間趕上,但價值的形塑 take centuries.
小註記:終於把浪人劍客共 37 集追完了,希望井上雄彥能把結局畫出來 (笑)
The fight for global influence is well underway and great splits between different countries’ leaders and even different political parties within countries exist, so while alliances are emerging, relationships are pretty unstable and fragmented.
Satisfaction = what you have ÷ what you want
focus on the denominator.
We can, in fact, find immense fullness when we pay attention to smaller and smaller things. The Buddhist master Thich Nhat Hanh explains this in his book The Miracle of Mindfulness: “While washing the dishes one should only be washing the dishes, which means that while washing the dishes one should be completely aware of the fact that one is washing the dishes.” Why? If we are thinking about the past or future, “we are not alive during the time we are washing the dishes.”
Simply as that. Love it!
Everything faded. Nothing lasts. We’re just a snake eating its own tail.
當我說 "這樣不錯" 的時候,我希望有人回我 "那樣不錯"。當我說 "對耶" 的時候,我希望有人回我 "對吧"。感覺這樣就心滿意足了。
As the sound of the playgrounds faded, the despair set in.
Outside Interest!
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