04/28 中英文國際時事摘要總整理
🔖04/28 #時事摘要整理
歐盟開始規範 ChatGPT
- 歐盟正在引入有關 AI 工具的新立法[1]。
- 該立法將要求 AI 工具製造商披露在構建系統過程中使用的受版權保護的材料[1]。
- 新規定將允許內容創作者在其作品被用作 AI 生成內容的原材料時,索取部分利潤分成[2]。
- 生成型 AI 模型的開發者將被要求公開發布對其創作過程中使用的受版權保護材料的足夠詳細的摘要[1]。
- 歐盟的這項法案是全球政策制定者為規範 AI 的開發和使用而展開行動的一部分[3]。

- The European Union is set to introduce new legislation that would require makers of artificial intelligence tools to disclose the copyright material used in building their systems. This would allow publishers and content creators to seek a share of profits when their works are used as source material for AI-generated content. The new provisions would also require developers of generative AI models to publish a “sufficiently detailed summary” of the copyright materials they used as part of their creation. The EU bill is at the forefront of a global push by policy makers to lay down rules for the development and use of AI.
- 目前俄羅斯和烏克蘭之間存在衝突,俄羅斯向烏克蘭城市發射導彈,導致 17 人死亡[1]。
- 烏克蘭正計劃反攻,收復被佔領的土地[1]。
- 烏克蘭獲得了新的現代化武器,正準備從西方動員坦克和裝甲車,發起大規模地面攻擊[1]。
- 導彈襲擊被譴責為戰爭罪行[2]。
- 烏克蘭軍隊成功擊落了俄羅斯發射的大量巡航導彈[1]。
- 基輔及其西方盟友希望經過在西方基地接受培訓並獲得新捐贈的坦克和裝甲車的烏克蘭部隊的推進,將改變正在進行的衝突的局勢[1]。

- Russia fired missiles at Ukrainian cities, killing 17 people. Ukraine plans to counterattack to retake occupied land. Ukraine has new modern weapons and is preparing to launch a large ground assault using tanks and armored vehicles from the West. The missile attacks were the first since early March and were condemned as a war crime. The Ukrainian military shot down 21 of 23 cruise missiles fired by Russia. Kyiv and its Western allies hope a push by Ukrainian troops trained at Western bases, using newly donated tanks and armored vehicles, will shift the war's dynamics.
Ed Sheeran 法庭解釋抄襲爭議
- 在一場民事訴訟中,被指控抄襲 Marvin Gaye 的《Let's Get it On》的 Ed Sheeran 在庭上演唱了他的歌曲《Thinking Out Loud》的部分[3]。
- Gaye 共同創作人的繼承人指控 Sheeran 竊取了這首冠軍熱門歌曲的元素[2]。
- Sheeran 否認受到 Gaye 歌曲的影響,並描述了他的藝術創作過程,靈感來自於他的個人生活[2]。
- 原告方的一位音樂學家作證指出,兩首歌曲存在相似之處[2]。
- 如果陪審團認為 Sheeran 侵犯了著作權,那麼試驗的第二階段將決定他需要支付多少賠償金[3]。

- Ed Sheeran performed parts of his song "Thinking Out Loud" to a New York jury during a civil trial which will decide whether he copied Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get it On." The heirs of Gaye's co-writer claim that Sheeran stole elements of the chart-topping hit. Sheeran denied being influenced by Gaye's song, and described his artistic process, which was inspired by his personal life. A musicologist called by the plaintiffs testified that the two songs share similarities. If the jury finds Sheeran liable for copyright infringement, a second phase of the trial will determine how much he owes.
Ray Dalio CDF 上談話
- 中國投資者 Ray Dalio 警告稱,美中戰爭可能迫在眉睫。
- 潛在衝突的原因可能是因為台灣、烏克蘭和經濟制裁等問題引發的緊張局勢。
- Ray Dalio 建議採取降級緊張措施,以避免衝突,例如在 APEC 會議上安排 Joe Biden和習近平會面以及美國政策制定者訪問中國。
- 2024 年美國大選可能使局勢惡化,因為政治家們可能會迎合反中情緒。
- 總之,這段文字強調了美國和中國之間存在衝突的可能性,並提出了防止衝突的建議。對2024年美國大選的提及也暗示該問題在不久的將來仍將成為討論話題。

- China investor Ray Dalio warns of imminent US-China war, citing flashpoints over Taiwan, Ukraine, and economic sanctions. He recommends de-escalation measures, such as a Biden-Xi meeting at APEC and US policymakers visiting China. The 2024 US election may worsen tensions as politicians appeal to anti-China sentiment.
High Cost of AI Compute
- AI 技術的發展需要大量的計算和存儲資源[1]。
- GPU 可以加速某些任務,但 AI 訓練的瓶頸在於數據傳輸。
- AI 訓練需要大型計算集群,並且訓練時間比推理時間更長。
- 基礎設施選擇包括按需求與內部、雲端與數據中心之間的選擇。
- 軟體升級可以大大提高模型運行速度[2]。
- 目前存在 GPU 短缺,但 AI 軟體的成本結構可能會隨著時間的推移而發生變化。

- This text discusses the cost of AI and the need for large compute and memory resources, which are driving the industry. While GPUs can speed up certain tasks, the bottleneck for AI training is transferring data to tensor cores. Training takes longer than inference and requires large compute clusters. Infrastructure choices include on-demand vs. in-house and cloud vs. data center. Software optimizations can greatly improve model running time. There is a GPU shortage, but the cost structure of AI software may change over time.
- 根據 CDC 的預測,2021 年將成為美國歷史上槍支相關死亡人數最多的一年。
- 在槍支相關死亡中,54% 是自殺,43% 是謀殺[2]。
- 自 1968 年以來,用槍支犯罪的謀殺百分比持續上升。
- 2021 年,槍支參與的謀殺案占比達到 55%,為 2001 年以來的最高水平[1]。
- 槍支相關死亡率因州而異,密西西比州、路易斯安那州和新墨西哥州的死亡率最高,而麻薩諸塞州、夏威夷州和新澤西州的死亡率最低[2]。
- 根據 FBI 數據,從 2000 年的 3 起增加到 2021 年的 61 起,活躍槍手事件有所上升。

- The CDC predicts that 2021 will have the highest number of firearm-related deaths in US history, with suicides accounting for 54% and homicides for 43%. The percentage of homicides committed with firearms has been steadily increasing since 1968, with firearms involved in 55% of homicides in 2021, the highest since 2001. Gun-related fatalities vary by state, with Mississippi, Louisiana, and New Mexico having the highest rates and Massachusetts, Hawaii, and New Jersey having the lowest. FBI data shows an increase in active shooter incidents from three in 2000 to 61 in 2021, with handguns being the primary weapon used in gun murders.
First Republic are down 95%.
Chatbot 的另類思維
- 習近平與澤連斯基通話
- Binance 推出了 Sensei
- Coinbase 向 SEC 提起訴訟
- 法院再判 Apple 反壟斷案勝訴
- CMA 阻止微軟以 $69B 收購暴雪
- Binance.US 放棄收購 Voyager
- ChatGPT 新功能 -> 關閉聊天歷史
- Biden 宣布參加2024美國總統選舉
- Time to remove digital paywall
- Google Authenticator開放雲端同步
- Google Cloud to support all Polygon
- DeepLearning.AI 與 OpenAI 推免費課程

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