2. My Laughter Yoga Experience: Fake it Till You Make it (大笑瑜珈體驗:假裝大笑,直到真的笑出來)


2. My Laughter Yoga Experience: Fake it Till You Make it (大笑瑜珈體驗:假裝大笑,直到真的笑出來)

2. My Laughter Yoga Experience: Fake it Till You Make it

At first, the idea of "fake laughing" sounded strange. I wondered, "Will this really work?" But I tried it anyway. I followed the teacher's instructions and started making different laughing sounds: "hahaha," "hohoho," "hihihi." It felt silly and a little awkward at first; I felt like a clown. But surprisingly, as I kept making these sounds and made eye contact with other students, I found myself actually laughing! It was a natural, genuine laugh, not forced, but something that grew from the initial act of pretending. During the process, I felt my muscles relax, and my tense mood eased. It turns out that faking it can be a key to unlocking genuine happiness. This class taught me that sometimes, all we need to do is take that first step, even if it's just pretending, to achieve unexpected results.


一開始聽到「假裝大笑」這個概念,我心裡確實覺得怪怪的。 心想,這…真的有用嗎? 但抱著嘗試的心態,我跟著老師的指示,開始發出各種不同種類的笑聲:「哈哈哈」、「呵呵呵」、「嘻hihi」。 一開始感覺很傻氣,甚至有點彆扭,感覺自己像個小丑。 但奇妙的是,當我持續發出這些笑聲,並且試著和身邊的同學們眼神交流時,我發現自己真的開始笑了! 那是一種由內而外,自然而然的笑,不是刻意為之的,而是從假裝中慢慢滋生出來的真誠笑容。 過程中,我感受到身體肌肉逐漸放鬆,原本緊繃的心情也舒緩許多。 原來,假裝,也可以是一種開啟真誠快樂的鑰匙。 這堂課讓我體會到,很多時候,我們需要的只是跨出那一步,即使只是假裝,也可能帶來意想不到的收穫。




2025 February


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東加豆我的名字叫東加豆。 我是一個香港人。 https://www.tonkabean.me
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