04. Cell Phone Laughter (電話大笑)
04. Cell Phone Laughter(電話大笑)

In the laughter yoga class, the "phone laughter" exercise was the most memorable. At first, following the teacher's instructions and pretending to answer a phone call then laughing felt a little silly and awkward. But as I practiced, I found myself relaxing more and my laughter became more natural.
Interestingly, now when I actually answer calls in my daily life, I sometimes laugh unconsciously, even if the conversation is about ordinary things. Sometimes, I imagine the other person telling a hilarious joke, and I secretly laugh to myself. Even though the other person can't hear me, this secret laughter brings me a strange kind of joy. It's a wonderful feeling; it's like I've gained a new way to express my emotions, a little secret pleasure that only I understand. I used to feel embarrassed laughing loudly in front of others, but now I find that laughter is very therapeutic, and it can infect those around me, making everyone happy.
有趣的是,現在我生活中真的接電話時,偶爾也會不自覺地笑出來,即使電話那頭只是在討論一些很平常的事情。有時候,我會想像對方講了一個超好笑的笑話,然後自己偷偷地笑,雖然對方聽不見,但這種偷偷摸摸的笑,卻帶給我一種莫名的快樂。 這感覺很奇妙,好像我多了一種表達情緒的方式,一種只有自己懂的、小小的秘密樂趣。 以前我會覺得在人前大笑很尷尬,但現在,我發現大笑其實很療癒,而且,它能感染身邊的人,讓大家一起開心。
2025 March

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