Muhemmetjan Rashidin(1940-2021)是一位德高望重的維吾爾族詩人,簡介中,他的詩歌很有樂感,所以常常可以成為歌詞被人們傳唱。2021年11月13日在伊寧去世。
早上,我讀了三首他的詩,分別是《Longing》、《Your Letter Arrived, But You Did Not》、《People Are Wonderful》、《Long Live》。這裡,我非常想把第三首拿出來分享。👇
Of days there are many types,
Of flowers there are many types.
My heart, don't be frustrated by people,
There are some who are excellent, too.
One may give bread to a beggar,
Another may give seed to the pigeons,
Another, if needed, will give his blood,
There are those who give their lives, too.
There are healthy people who may fall ill,
There are travellers who may become still.
If a country goes, there are kings, as well
Who end up gathering wood on a hill.
The world is marvellous, the people wonderful,
People themselves are banners for living,
Water for flames, embers for bleak winters.
That is why there are beautiful horizons.
Ghulja, 2 November 2000
Translated by Munawwar Abdulla
這是一首他25年前寫於伊寧的詩。我忍不住讀了幾遍。沒錯,簡單的文字,朗朗上口的詩句,似乎有點跟我查找他的形象時堅毅的眼神不太搭。這首詩讓我看到了一雙看到美好和精彩的眼睛,同時,筆下的文字又帶著我看到了「beautiful horizons」。第一次讀到的時候,我確實會心的笑了,真好,似乎希望和自己就站在不遠的地方,慢慢地,我可以走過去的😊。