Fire & Motion 29

Justin Sung
Stin's reading note.

Fleeting Quote

In the short term, you are as good as your intensity. In the long term, you are only as good as your consistency.


📕The Pocket Oracle and Art of Prudence

Hope is a great falsifier of truth. Good sense should rectify this, making sure enjoyment surpass desire. Good beginnings serve to arouse curiosity, not to guarantee the outcome. Things turn out better when the reality exceeds out initial idea and is greater than we anticipated.

Well-manage the expectations and leave room for curiosity.

Quit whilst fortune is smiling, as all good gamblers do. A graceful retreat is as important as a brave assault, safeguarding achievements once these are enough, and especially when they're more than enough.

Choose your battles wisely. Don't screw people and don't burn the bridges.

Pay attention to how things end, then, taking greater care to make a good exit than a widely applauded entrance. [...] What matters rather is the general feeling your exit arouses, for few are missed once gone.

People tend to weight more on nearest occurrence, which means it's a great opportunity to adjust the emotional perspectives of things.

The only solution for anyone of exceptional gifts is to exercise moderation in showing them: an excess of excellence, but moderation in displaying it. The stronger a torch shines, the more it burns itself up and the less time it lasts. Scarcity of appearance is rewarded with real esteem.

Preserve your light for those who truly worth it.

It's difficult to fill the void left by someone great because the past always seems better; even being their equal isn't enough, because they'll always have the advantage of having come first. To topple someone's greater reputation, then, you need qualities above and beyond theirs.

It reminds me of the tendency that good impressions and memories last way longer that those bad ones in people's mind. So don't put excessive effort on comparing with the past, time will tell as current fade into the past.

Liking someone's company need not suggest true intimacy, it can simply mean enjoying their humour rather than having any confidence in their actual abilities.
Reticence is the stamp of true ability.

Post less on social media XD.

📕Make Something Wonderful

In the long run, these things balance out.

Principal for dealing with dilemma.

So to be a creative person, you need to “feed” or “invest” in yourself by exploring uncharted paths that are outside the realm of your past experience. Seek out new dimensions of yourself—especially those that carry a romantic scent.

Doing new things often. It will slow down the perception of time and keep life interesting.

I can't tell you why you need a home compute right now. I mean, people ask me, "Why should I buy a computer in my home?" And I say, "Well, to learn about it, to run some fun simulations. If you've got some kids, they should probably know about it in terms of literacy. They can probably get some good educational software, especially if they're younger."

Same approach when it comes to AI.

Well, things get more refined as you make mistakes. I've had a chance to make a lot of mistakes. Your aesthetics get better as you make mistakes. But the real big thing is: if you're going to make something, it doesn't take any more energy, and rarely does it take more money to make it really great. All it takes is a little more time. Not that much more. And a willingness to do so, a willingness to persevere until it's really great.

Dreams + reality + determination = success.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
You can't plan to meet the people who will change your life. It just happens. Maybe its random, maybe its fate. Either way, you can't plan for it. But you want to recognize it when it happens and have the courage and clarity of mind to grab onto it.

Same as luck, opportunity, and all stuffs that randomly come to our lives. What we can do is decreasing the chance for negative encounter, and increasing the possibility of the positive one, which require us to have a broader perspective and clarity to grab onto it. Also, courage!

And if you can remember that your life is a story in the making, it will help you make those important decisions. When you have to decide between taking the prestigious job that pays well, or the offbeat job with no future that makes your heart sing, just imagine yourself looking back on your life in 50 years and you'll know what path yours is. You will give yourself the right advice. You will intuitively know if something is part of your story or not.

What kind of choice make it a coherent story?

So we weren't thinking, in the iPad, of any specific audience, but we're thinking about everybody. We don't have to go home at night and tell our kids when they say, "Well, what do you do? What did you do today?" "Well, I worked on our next generation server, you know, that'll be powering something or other." We can say, "I worked on our next generation iPad. You know, the ones that you use in school."

Such a beautiful way to describe "improve the well-being of humankind."



📄GPT-4 Is a Reasoning Engine

Knowledge without reasoning is inert—you can’t do anything with it. But reasoning without knowledge can turn into compelling, confident fabrication.


🎥The Remains of the Day

All I see out in the world is loneliness, and it frightens me.



📹《百年孤寂》十講 [ 第 1 講 ] 詹宏志 主講


📹《百年孤寂》十講 [ 第 3 講 ] 杜祖業 主講


📹《百年孤寂》十講 [ 第 4 講 ] 詹偉雄 主講

But I realized that reality is also the myths, beliefs, and legends of the people. These are their everyday life and they intervene in their victories and defeats. I realized that reality isn't just the police who arrive and shoot people, but also the entire mythology, all the legends, everything that comprises people's lives.


📹Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio

To understand what is coming at you, you need to understand what happened before you.

Just the one most important reason that I believe in Ray Dalio.

Earn more than we spend and treat each other well.

When it comes to smooth out the inevitable cycle.

📹Principles For Success by Ray Dalio

Struggle well.

Outside Interest!

🎶Adele: Live at Royal Albert Hall

🔗How Colors Change the Perception of Interior Spaces

CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 授权


Justin SungSkeptical optimist. Like to laugh.
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