加密飞行 Vol.8 | 一个务实的乌托邦设计家决定出走:Niklas&Vitalia

“我并不清楚一个Pop-up City应该期待什么。不过,这并不是最主要的问题。”

💡Editor's note/编者按

这场访谈完成于去年Edge Esmeralda期间,健谈的Niklas深入分享了他对"Pop-up City"与网络国家新型治理模式的见解。他将传统政府视为过去时代的遗迹,希望运用特殊经济区、代币化与成熟法律框架等现有机制,迅速启动实验,并为城市发展注入前所未有的弹性与活力;这让我们眼前一亮。与那些仅流于空谈理想的人不同,Niklas的讲话充满务实与人情味——他提议运用和改良已有的成熟机制,而非创造某些“全新”事物。推动这场变革的关键,在于充满活力的在地创业者与科技社群,正是这些真实而有温度的人,将成为未来城市治理革命的动力源。

在日新月异的Crypto世界,时间的单位被研磨地更加细小,一年足以让任何人事物天翻地覆。今天阅读这篇访谈时,我们仍可从中觑见某种乐观的实践精神,这或许才是那时将Niklas推向幻想小城Vitalia的最初和最终。今天的Infinita City又将如何诠释这些对理想城市的话语?


In the interview, which took place last year at the Edge Esmeralda, the talkative Niklas shared his insights on Pop-up City and the new governance model of the cyber state. He sees traditional government as a relic of a bygone era, and wants to use existing mechanisms such as special economic zones, tokenization, and mature legal frameworks to quickly launch experiments and inject unprecedented resilience and vitality into urban development; It blew our minds. Unlike those who merely talk about their ideals, Niklas speaks with a pragmatic and human touch - he proposes to use and improve established mechanisms rather than create something "entirely new." The key to driving this change is the dynamic local entrepreneurs and technology community, it is these real and warm people, will become the power source of the future urban governance revolution.

In the ever-changing world of Crypto, the units of time are ground ever smaller, and a year is enough to turn anyone's life upside down. Reading this interview today, we can still see a certain optimism in the practical spirit, which may be the first and final push Niklas to the fantasy town of Vitalia. How will Infinita City interpret these words about the ideal city today?

If we run into Niklas again somewhere on Earth, we'll ask him again.

此文是「加密飞行」专栏首辑访谈策划之一,来自友邻社区 SocialLayer 的 Eggy 和 Jiang。作为一群经常在各地巡游的 “飞行员”,他们所带来的独特视野,正是「加密飞行」所想要展示的:一群从过去降落,置身于此刻,并渴望着挑战和探索更好未来的远航者。我们期待着这种展示,能够飞跃语言与物理距离的障壁,成为未来加密公民同现实之间的桥梁。

This article is one of the first series of interviews for the "Crypto Flight" column, curated by the SocialLayer community members Eggy and Jiang. As a group of "pilots" often journeying across different places, they bring a unique perspective—exactly what "Crypto Flight" aims to showcase: a group of voyagers descending from the past, living in the present, and yearning to challenge and explore a better future. We hope this showcase can transcend barriers of language and physical distance, becoming a bridge between future crypto citizens and the realities they face.

Social Layer × Uncommons
Reporter: Eggy&Jiang
Translator: Maymay

「加密飞行」(Crypto Flight)

「加密飞行」(Crypto Flight) 是 Uncommons 的人物访谈专栏,围绕活跃在以太坊及加密世界一线的先锋个体,记录加密现实,生产多元视角,将交谈和日常语言作为方法,化约发生在彼处的遥远真实。取自 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry 的 Vol de Nuit(长夜飞逝),象征密码朋克与加密公民飞向世界尽头的挑战和探索精神。

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"Crypto Flight" is a series of interviews by Uncommons, focusing on pioneers active in the Ethereum and crypto world. It documents the reality of the crypto space and produces diverse perspectives, using conversation and everyday language as methods to distill distant and far-off truths. Inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's Vol de Nuit (Night Flight), it symbolizes the challenge and exploratory spirit of cypherpunks and crypto citizens as they venture to the ends of the world.

This column welcomes submissions and is open to recruiting interviewers and translators. Feel free to contact via WeChat: RealUncommons to submit your work or start a column on a topic you are passionate about and interested in.

本文为《加密飞行 Vol.8 | 一个务实的乌托邦设计家决定出走:Niklas&Vitalia》的访谈节选。
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加密飞行 Vol.8 | 一个务实的乌托邦设计家决定出走:Niklas&Vitalia

Operating under Infinita City (https://www.infinita.city/) now
Continuing the Vitalia mission with the same team
Operations and partnership with Prospera ZEDE

Founder of Social Layer

Ph.D Candidate in Design for Social Innovation
Contributer of Social Layer

Vitalia:Dream Start


Pop-up City是对应领域中真正的创新发展,它能够在不同地点启动发展,使高度一致的社区在指定地区安家,并开始与政府或司法管辖区进行谈判,寻求长期居住、创业、获得监管豁免和优惠。这种策略为政治性的发展奠定了基础。这可能代表我们行业中的一个重大创新,因为以前那些类似Prospera或Vitalia的项目,往往都是从复杂的政府谈判开始,涉及大量合同、法律协议和资金问题。由于社区在这些领域的能力不足,这就使得吸引社区参与变得具有挑战性。然而,社区需要持续激发内部的热情。

I think Pop-up City is a great new innovation in our space. It can kickstart development in different places that allow communities highly aligned on the communities to go on land and start to negotiate with governments or jurisdictions for long-term establishment, obtaining regulatory exemptions and advantages. Such approaches serve as an initial strategy for political development. I believe it could represent a major innovation in the space because previously, projects like Prospera or Vitalia began with government negotiations and had to negotiate substantial country and legal agreements and secure considerable funding. Years later, it became challenging to engage communities because they were not proficient in this area. However, communities need to excel in these aspects. There were some other projects that excelled at energizing communities.

与政府的长期谈判如果没有可见成果,就有可能会难以为继。然而,通过引入Pop-up cities,这个过程可以变得更高效。这方式允许你与有潜在协议可能的现有管辖区接触,使项目得以启动。如果某个计划在一个地点不成功,你可以轻松地在另一个Pop-up city尝试,这与创业公司通常从小规模、低成本的尝试开始类似。因此,它可以有效地作为开发新城市和新管辖区的最小可行产品(MVP)。

Negotiations with governments that take years can make it hard to keep momentum without visible results. However, with Pop-up cities, the process becomes more efficient. This approach allows you to engage with existing jurisdictions that show potential for agreements, enabling you to start projects. If an initiative doesn't succeed in one location, you can simply try another in a different Pop-up city, similar to how startups often begin with small, low-cost efforts. Therefore, I believe that Pop-up cities could effectively act as the minimum viable product(MVP) for developing new cities and jurisdictions.

我认为在Zuzalu,(关于MVP版本的尝试)这一概念并不清晰,当时它更像是一个实验。然而,这一概念确实在Zuzalu中得到了培养。我从网络国家和新城市方面引入了大量知识,此外,黑山的政府对这些概念几乎完全不感兴趣,因此他们持更开放的态度。至于我们对这些概念的进展,以及它们是否仍然在被延续下去,我并不十分确定。我们之中的大多数人之前可能并没有对这些工作有完全的准备。但即将到来的项目就不一样了。在阿根廷,我们开始与Protocol Labs合作,计划在八月建立一个Pop-up city,并将专门讨论经济特区。Zanzalu和Zanzibar也同样有正在进行的项目,这里的Edge City位于Esmeralda,也将发展成为一个很酷的特许城市

I believe the message or the concept wasn't very clear during the Zuzalu phase; it was primarily experimental. However, that idea was certainly fostered through Zuzalu, where I contributed extensive knowledge about network states and new cities. Moreover, the government of Montenegro, which exhibits almost no interest in these concepts, consequently maintains an open stance towards them.

Regarding our certainty about the progress of these concepts, it's not entirely clear whether they are still being pursued. I suspect that many of us were not fully prepared to understand what implementing these ideas would entail. Yet, for the upcoming projects, we might be ready. For instance, Argentina is involved in collaborating with Protocol Labs. They are planning to establish a Pop-up city in August, focusing specifically on special economic zones. Similarly, Zanzalu and Zanzibar have ongoing projects, and Edge City here in Esmeralda is also slated for charter city development.

在黑山时,我负责让Vitalia“跑起来”。那时候我不确定自己是否已经深入了解过这个领域,但Vitalia确实是对Balaji提出的“网络国家”概念的直接响应,而这一领域正是我一直积极参与的。我的工作与这个领域紧密相关,涉及新的治理模式、网络国家、新城市等类似概念。我因此被这一方向吸引,并通过这个视角参与了Zuzalu。当时已经有长寿领域的人对网络国家和特殊司法辖区产生了兴趣,这很合理,尽管我并不清楚从一个Pop-up City应该期待什么。不过,这并不是最主要的问题。

In Montenegro, I run Vitalia. I am not certain if I had read about it by then, but he did it explicitly in response to Balaji's network state idea, an area in which I have been actively involved. Consequently, my work relates closely to this field. This involves new governance models, network states, new cities, and similar concepts. Thus, I was drawn in that direction and subsequently became involved with Zuzalu through this perspective. Members of the longevity community were already expressing curiosity about topics such as network states and special jurisdictions. It was quite logical, although I was uncertain what to expect from a Pop-up City. However, that was not the main issue. This was how I was getting into it.



Have there been any changes in your deep involvement with this startup society from before to now? What are the differences? Do you think it's more practical now than when you were serving people?



At first, almost no one anticipated that months of standstill would have such a profound global impact. People might hear about progress in Estonia or Rwanda—reports that may appear in The Economist and seem quite removed from our everyday reality. But I thought, why not give it a try? I could create strategies that could actually be implemented in the real world, and that has indeed come to pass. This kind of insight often develops only after deep involvement. I believe the most valuable realization is understanding that these ideas truly exist and are feasible; such experiences are often the key to success.

Reshaping the Traditions of Governance


你认为实现pop-up city面对的最大挑战是什么?

What do you think is the biggest challenge in turning this potential of pop-up city into reality?



I believe this relates to the way governments or nation-states currently operate. Essentially, they are remnants of the 18th and 19th centuries, which is evident in various aspects. These entities remain the most powerful in the world, yet they were designed for different eras. They are increasingly being disrupted by the internet in numerous ways. This concept is well articulated in the book "The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age," which predicts these changes quite accurately, informing us about new forms of governance and associated risks, including potential chaos and disorder. As is becoming apparent, many nation-states are progressively less capable of fulfilling their roles, leading to potential civil and social unrest.

Moreover, we are generally unprepared for these challenges and lack comprehensive strategies to address them. This is largely because we are accustomed to traditional ways of functioning. This is precisely why I am engaged in my current endeavors.



Since you mentioned various issues regarding the government and have spoken with some of them, what do you think their opinion is on this matter? For instance, what do you think we can do to persuade them?




You need to engage with them starting from their perspective. Many in the fields of new technology and cryptocurrency may not fully grasp these concepts. It's crucial to communicate in a way that clearly demonstrates the benefits to them, focusing on what they truly care about, such as advancing their careers without jeopardizing their current positions.

In this context, I believe that some of the models we employ, particularly economic zones or common law, which are based on well-established and tested principles like business incorporation in specific jurisdictions, are effective. 

These methods have stood the test of time, and we are not approaching this with a radical or utopian mindset but are utilizing proven principles. Is it necessary to use technical jargon? Perhaps, but generally speaking, a straightforward approach is best. To truly innovate, you should selectively focus on the areas that matter most. However, it's also important to adhere to tried and tested principles. Tokenization, for instance, is very useful as it offers a way to guard against centralized control and promotes censorship resistance while being effective in rethinking governance.


In addition, corporate law, known for its flexibility and competitiveness, has extensive experience with governance. It is dynamic and has evolved significantly over time, so there is no need to completely reinvent these approaches. This is a realization that many are coming to. Moreover, we should avoid premature decentralization, a lesson well learned over time. Often, it's beneficial to emulate established best practices before radically changing everything based on prior experiences.



Will you fear the government change? 



We at least have a neutral government. The agreement we've reached ensures that the government does not interfere with our operations, which is all we require. We don't need additional support; our main concern is to avoid austerity measures. The legal framework provided by the special economic zones is sufficient. We do not require any further support from them, just the maintenance of legal rights and commitments. 



You believe we need more entrepreneurs and the current obstacles are not related to the government or societal structures, but rather to the need for new forces. This is an interesting point.



I think one of the biggest misconceptions holding many people back is the fear of governmental opposition or the possibility of being excluded, which they see as merely a business risk. This should be treated as such. There are ways to mitigate this, such as establishing the appropriate legal frameworks or protections. Admittedly, these measures come at a high educational cost. You must educate yourself to navigate these challenges effectively, but with successful models like Prospera, where fixed costs are defined, the educational burden is reduced. Since we have standardized procedures and resources available, I believe now is an opportune time to enter the field as a builder.

Building a Creative Utopia




One major challenge in many new regions is securing affordable energy. Indeed, finding energy solutions is intuitive yet remains one of our most significant hurdles. Energy costs are high, thus smaller-scale solutions are crucial; we need technology that is genuinely beneficial, especially technologies like battery storage that offer mobility and require extensive development over time. If we can develop more modular and cost-effective solutions, there will be considerable technological leverage.

Regarding my work with cryptocurrency at Vitalia, I am aiming to make real-world asset management viable. A significant obstacle is jurisdiction; assets are often not recognized by local jurisdictions. However, in Prospera, this is not an issue, which could be highly valuable. It allows jurisdictions to share legal practices and codes, facilitating easier funding by the global crypto community for projects. This often involves straightforward transactions, such as using cryptocurrency for payments, which currently remains a challenge due to regulatory and practical constraints.



Payments are vital because when dealing with substantial capital formation, funds are heavily regulated, making it difficult to integrate cryptocurrency. Particularly if the recipient is dealing in fiat currency, but if both sides transact in cryptocurrency, it simplifies matters. More flexible and permissive regulations regarding fund formation could represent a significant change.

Legal systems function much like software in the real world, reinforced by actual practices, creating considerable leverage. This could also include enhancements like boosting intelligence or employing reproductive technologies, which are worth considering.



How do you understand the current efforts in startups? What do you think are the biggest obstacles that we are facing in the near future?




I believe the biggest obstacle is the bottleneck in the availability of entrepreneurs willing to engage. We need more entrepreneurs who are prepared to take the initiative. The challenge is not necessarily the governments; we understand how the system operates and have templates for negotiation and similar processes. While capital is not the fundamental barrier—it does present some difficulties—I believe that with capable founders in place, they often attract the capital needed. We also rely heavily on successful showcases.

We need to demonstrate that our approaches are effective, showcasing startling examples of success. I believe we are nearing such achievements with projects like Prospera, Vitalia, and Minicycle, although we are not quite there yet. This is why I am deeply involved with Prospera, as it stands as the prime candidate for a successful showcase.


The impact of such success could be substantial. The narrative could be that we have the strongest investment protections in history, yet the government could not displace us. Or, that we faced one of the most hostile governments imaginable, yet we not only survived but emerged stronger. Such stories could significantly influence perceptions. Following the elections in under two years, this momentum could potentially amplify the impact by tenfold.



Do you think society will achieve abundance, as described in those fictions? Like one hundred trillion of GDP.



I don't believe there are certainties, only scenarios. I also believe that we, as humans, have a significant opportunity to achieve a rate of progress that's radically faster than ever before. I don't think there are any insurmountable obstacles, although there are many dynamics and general public discourse that could pose challenges, not to mention the common fear of change due to psychological factors.


Niklas对Pop-up City有一种乐观主义,认为通过快速、灵活地在不同地点尝试Pop-up City建设,这种方式可以有效应对长期政府谈判和繁重资金需求的传统障碍。


在翻译Niklas关于他的Pop-up city项目Vitalia的访谈时,我被他对创新城市建设的思考和洞察力深深吸引。译文中我尽力追求全面、清楚展现Niklas对于如何将技术创新与社会需求结合的独到见解,以及他对于在阿根廷和其他地方推广Pop-up City项目的雄心。

全文 Shownote
Vitalia:Dream Start
Reshaping the Traditions of Governance
Finding Allies: Reaching Local Communities
A Creative Society of Technological Transformation
Building a Creative Utopia

X @NiklasAnzinger

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