The World is Your Oyster

Justin Sung
ruminating on Fire & Motion 1~30

on Tranquillity

  1. 那感覺真好。 過去的二十多年過得多糟多好、未來的日子又將以怎樣一眼望得到頭的方式無意義地延續下去,都已無關緊要了。 畢竟,我要從這個時空里掙脫出去了,這是我在地球上的最後一夜。

  2. 只是我覺得我能跟你講的,你一定老早就知道了。

  3. 當我們說杯子時,心裡便浮現出杯子的影像和概念,然而杯子只是個因緣和合體,是透過眾緣和合才能夠現起的,並非有一個獨立存在的實體,不假借因緣便存在世間。杯子需要泥土,需要人力、需要工具乃至火燒,才能將它創作出來,這就是它的因緣。這麼多的因緣成就之後,我們才看見杯子,並認為這個杯子有實體,對它產生執著。為什麼?因為「可得」。在認識過程中,當心攝取境界的影像後,便顛倒地認為所見即是真實,我可以擁有它、抓住它、把握它。但實際上杯子是因緣生的,沒有實體,我所認識的杯子像水中月一樣,水中的月亮看起來有,撈它的時候卻沒有。

  4. 希望正是來自於看到了反抗本身,絕望来源於我們無法看見彼此。

  5. 祈求再也不要有任何負面情緒的人,如同祈求從此口中只能嘗到甜味,不管吃辣鍋水餃,還是牛排炸雞,永遠只能嘗到甜味。

  6. 屋頂上的這場儀式終於提供我一個地方,讓這些想法和感覺在未來出現的時候有地方可去,而這些想法和感覺永遠會出現。若再度出現,我可以遣送他們回此處,回到記憶的屋頂,回到已經無所不知也將永遠無所不知的這兩個冷靜的藍色靈魂。這正是儀式的目的。人類之所以舉行心靈儀式,是為了提供複雜的喜悅或痛苦感覺一個安全的休憩地,讓我們無須永遠帶著這些沉重的感覺跑來跑去。

on Perspective

  1. 很多人會一直上網滑手機 update 最近別人的狀況,但 JOMO - Joy of missing out,我自己還蠻 enjoy 自己現在的狀態的,就是不 update,基本上只過自己的生活。我在 create,但我也不會去 broadcast 自己在做什麼。

  2. Instead of looking backward to fill in the gap, we imagine forward, retrieve our future selves, and work toward the missing part.

  3. 國際觀是在心裡面的。

  4. 人莫鑑於流水,而鑑於止水

  5. 「為最糟的情況做準備;最好的事情會照顧自己。」這聽起來好像陳腔濫調,其實不然:不妨看看一般人總是為最好的事情做準備,卻希望最糟的事情能照顧好自己。人們規避小損失,卻不是那麼注重非常大的黑天鵝風險,因為他們總是為可能的小損失做好保險措施,卻不理會不常發生的大損失。

  6. 隨時都有一些事物小規模損壞,以避免大規模的全面性災難發生。

  7. Every breakthrough is at first laughable and ridiculous. In fact, if it did not start out laughable and ridiculous, it is not a breakthrough.

  8. When you ask people to imagine how things could be different, they imagine how things could be better. This doesn’t depend on how we word the question, and it happens in people’s everyday thoughts.

  9. 有「絕對穩定」這種錯覺,是因為在日常生活中,穩定所對應的目標通常不會明言,只會按著語境隱含在字裡行間。當我們說菜價肉價穩定,相對的是港元。說資產價格穩定,相對的是美元。

on Lifelong Learner

  1. 吾生也有涯,而知也無涯。以有涯隨無涯,殆已。

  2. Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

  3. 一定數量的痛苦和煩惱,對於任何時候的任何人都是必要的。沒有壓艙物的帆船不穩定,也不能直線航行。

  4. Think before you speak. Read before you think.

  5. But we were there, learning and experimenting, and thinking about what it might become, while knowing that might not be much. That was still the right strategy.

  6. You will give yourself the right advice. You will intuitively know if something is part of your story or not.

  7. A child doesn't have to break the habit of crawling, because he doesn't think he has a habit. He simply leaves it as he finds walking an easier way to get around.

on Relationship

  1. 木材不能永恆,但較岩石更接近承諾的本質。戀人生活到後來都是木質的,溫文,昏暗,低沉,粗糙,然而所有的木紋,原本都是波浪與水花。

  2. 我們會以什麼樣的方式跟別人互動,依據的是我們在對方身上看到什麼樣的特質。把政治正確擺在一邊,我們對外貌、衣著、性別、種族、族群或年齡等特質,並不是不帶情緒的。人會產生移情也是同樣的道理。

  3. 尊重彼此的 evolution and growth,因為每個人在不同階段有不同的 priority,彼此應該給予成長的空間,沒有兩個人成長的方向和速度是一樣的。So when that happens, you respect it.

  4. 所有的關係都會隨時間改變,人的需求與慾望隨著年紀與環境變動,而長期的成功關係必然有足夠的彈性,在歲月遷移中重新定義自己。

  5. 如果你坐在一個牌桌上打牌,你必須在十五分鐘內找到那個給大家送錢的倒楣蛋,如果十五分鐘後你還不知道這個答案的話,那你肯定就是那個倒楣蛋了。

  6. 孤獨是一個人,寂寞是沒有人。

on Career

  1. I can’t help but wonder if all this effort we’re putting into keeping work at arm’s length is actually holding us back from being our best selves. Because what I’ve learned from having the privilege of working in a place that asks for my best and helps me get there is how much it can unlock in a life. The benefits extend far beyond the skills required to get great work done. The really, really good stuff comes from looking back on something you created and thinking, “I had no idea I could do that.” It comes from looking around and thinking “wow these people helped me, really helped me, get there.” It comes from looking inside and seeing how deep and enduring those feelings of pride, satisfaction, and gratitude really are. And what happens when you have so much it gets to spill over to the other aspects of and people in your life.

  2. There are two kinds of people in the world. The kind of people who think there's such a thing as enough money, and the kind of people who have money.

  3. 無論你何時進場交易,在你腦海中,有三個要素必須十分清晰、明瞭,即我要在哪個點位入場、在哪個點位離場、發生緊急情況時如何脫身。

  4. Narratives that are right, on the other hand, follow from products, which means that if you want to control the narrative in the long run, you have to build the product first, whether that be a software product, a publication, or a company.

  5. You make what you measure.

  6. Don’t think about what will happen; think about what could.

  7. My generic career advice for young people is that, if at all possible, you should aim to work on something that no one has a word for. Spend your energies where we don’t have a name for what you are doing, where it takes a while to explain to your mother what it is you do. When you are ahead of language, that means you are in a spot where it is more likely you are working on things that only you can do. It also means you won’t have much competition.

  8. Your 20s are the perfect time to do a few things that are unusual, weird, bold, risky, unexplainable, crazy, unprofitable, and looks nothing like “success.” The less this time looks like success, the better it will be as a foundation. For the rest of your life these orthogonal experiences will serve as your muse and touchstone, upon which you can build an uncommon life.

on Life

  1. 冬天時,我會用家裡最大的鍋子做關東煮,我的關東煮只有牛筋、白蘿蔔和水煮蛋。這也是拙作《深夜食堂》裡,不斷復胖的真由美喜歡的食物。做法非常簡單。買一塊大概五、六百公克的牛筋,牛筋煮了會縮,所以稍微切大塊一點。在滾水裡煮個五分鐘,然後用清水沖洗乾淨。用家裡最大的鍋子裝水,放進白蘿蔔 (中等大小一根,削皮切塊) 、水煮蛋和牛筋,水燒開後加入一包半現成的關東煮調味料,煮個三小時。就這樣而已。牛筋熬煮出來的湯頭,味道很好,所以調味清淡一點即可。煮的途中撈掉浮沫,如果味道變淡,就加醬油和酒。比較費工的做法是在煮兩小時之後,把火關掉,靜置個幾小時。把表面上凝固的白油去掉,味道會更清爽。這時候不要把油撈得太乾淨,留下一點牛油比較好吃。接著再煮一小時就完成了。軟爛的牛筋、入味的白蘿蔔和顏色漂亮的水煮蛋。怎麼可能不好吃呢?另外一個美味是最後加進去的豆腐。關東煮吃的差不多了,放入豆腐。豆腐稍微吃了點顏色後,撈起來放熱飯上,加湯一起吃。真是無話可說,請一定要試試看這個吃法。

  2. Great people talk about ideas, average people talk about things, and small people talk about wine.

Cinema (a list)

  • 地久天長

  • 心之谷

  • 兒時的點點滴滴

  • 一一

  • 花樣年華

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

  • 讓子彈飛

  • The End of the Tour

  • 悲情城市

  • Eat, Pray, Love

  • 紅豬

  • Jerry Maguire

  • Arrival

  • Before Midnight

  • The Grand Budapest Hotel

  • 大象席地而坐

  • 日日是好日

  • 比海還深

  • 海街日記

  • All Quiet on the Western Front

  • Forrest Gump

  • Up

  • Aftersun

  • Farewell My Concubine

  • Julie & Julia

  • About Time

  • The Remains of the Day

  • 我是千尋

  • Children of Men

Netflix (a list)

  • Bo Burnham: Inside

  • Pretend It’s a City

  • Chef's Table

  • Stutz

  • 愛繆 2020 MEAT·MEET 巡迴:埼玉超級競技場

  • BEEF

  • Friends

CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 授权


Justin SungSkeptical optimist. Like to laugh.
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