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03. Ready for Milkshake!  (準備好 Milkshake 吧!)


 03. Ready for Milkshake!  (準備好 Milkshake 吧!)

03. Ready for Milkshake!  (準備好 Milkshake 吧!)

At first, Laughter Yoga felt a little silly.  But the "Milkshake Laughter" exercise has become a surprising stress reliever in my life!

The first time I did it, I followed the instructor's directions, imagining two glasses of milk in my hands, pouring them back and forth while making "Aeee... Aeeee..." sounds.  Then I pretended to drink it, letting out a big "Aah-ha-ha-ha-ha!"  It felt a little awkward at first, but the laughter came naturally.

Now, whenever I feel stressed or just want to relax, I replay this exercise in my mind.  Interestingly, even just imagining the milk pouring and spilling makes me laugh.  It's even funnier now – whenever I drink water, I unconsciously imagine the cup tilting and spilling, and I burst out laughing.  This exercise has not only taught me how to relax, but it's also shown me how easy it is to trigger laughter. It's like a little switch; I flip it, and I'm instantly released from tension.

準備好 Milkshake 吧!

一開始接觸大笑瑜伽,覺得有點傻氣,沒想到「牛奶昔笑聲」(Milkshake Laughter) 這個動作,竟然成了我生活中意外的解壓神器!

記得第一次做這個動作,照著老師的指示,想像著手中拿著兩杯牛奶,一邊倒來倒去一邊發出「Aeee... Aeeee...」的聲音,最後假裝痛快地喝下去,發出「Aah-ha-ha-ha-ha!」的大笑,當時覺得有點彆扭,但笑聲卻很自然地從心底湧出來。

現在,每當我感到壓力大的時候,或者只是單純想放鬆一下,我都會在腦海中重演這個動作。有趣的是,即使只是想像著牛奶倒來倒去,甚至潑灑在地上的畫面,我都會忍不住笑出來。  更妙的是,現在只要喝水,我都會不自覺地幻想水杯在我手中傾斜、晃動,甚至潑灑的畫面,然後就噗哧一笑。  這個動作,不只讓我學會了如何放鬆,更讓我發現,原來笑聲可以這麼簡單,這麼容易觸發。  它像是一個小小的開關,輕輕一撥,就能讓我從緊繃的狀態中解脫出來。



2025 March