The threnody of Olympics - Belarus

作者:孔令妍 Belle
While we were cheering for athletes in the Olympics, something related to human rights was happening. A Belarus athlete may be confronted with imprisonment just because she posted some parole about her coach abusing her.
She is Krystsina Tsimanouskaya,a sprinter. She planned to join the 200 meters running race on August second. However, the Belarus Olympics Committee required her to replace another athlete to take part in the 4×400 relay race, because another athlete didn’t pass the medical examination.
She was taken to Haneda airport unwillingly on August first. Obviously, she lost the chance for the race. She turns to the local police for help at that moment. Fortunately, she and her husband are reunited in Poland and they are safe now.
“My grandmother told me it was full of bad news on the television on the cell phone.” That's what she said on the CNN interview on August fourth.
But how could this happen? Let’s talk about Belarus first. Belarus,a country located at the east Europe. It’s territory has 207,600 square kilometers, and their population is 934 millions. The capital is Minsk,in the middle of Belarus.
It’s a Republic country that implements the presidential system,the government is composed of the president and parliament. According to the constitution provision in 1994, it will hold a presidential election each 5 years. It changed to every 7 years in 1996. But in fact,Belarus is a dictatorship country,Major rights are in the president's hand. The election isn’t free enough and the judicial system is dependent.
HWR and AI have criticized the Alexander Lukashenko government for keeping authoritarianism. Finally,Belarus broke out in an anti-government demonstration in 2020,the biggest demonstration during his tenure in 26 years.

單字片語補充者: 由Cornerlish 角落英文團隊 共同製作

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