LikeCoin Vaildator Intro from Yoitsu 6th

Hello communities, Yoitsu would like to renew committee delegatio. Here is a small summary of our's activities during last delegation round and plannings in the future.
You may visit for more information about this validator.
Validator's Activities
Mainnet validator was successfully upgraded to ChungKing++ , the new version of the LikeCoin network along with other validators.
Participated proposal 79~81.
Mainnet validator node is running normally.
I shutdowned my testnet node for a while due to continous peering issues.
Operators' Activities
Proposals announcement bot on Discord is running normally at most times. (While there are only three proposals raised in this decade :-)
Providing liquity on Osmosis with LIKE/OSMO pair.
Participating Community Delegation Committee works.
Running some private frontends. (Invidious is running on
Made some changes of CDC's multisig wallet guide: , it may appliable to other multisig wallet operators.
Future Plannings
Keep tracking of LikeCoin 3.0 upgrades, and give assistance if I could help.
How to delegate to me :-)
You may delegate on ( or Keplr Dashboard .
Current commission rate
Current commission rate is keeping 50% for now, and I will announce commission rate on Matters , or my Mastdon if there needs change.

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