如何用Cosmostation app委託給 inactive 的驗証人
Background :
This article is to help you delegate to inactive validator (in chihuahua chain as an example) through Cosmostation app on your phone only!
Step 1) download Cosmostation app
step 2)
用seed phase import 你的錢包 或 開一個新錢包。進入錢包後按 delegate
Import your Wallet (you need your seed phase) / create new one. Then press delegate on the page of your wallet

Step 3) 選「others」 choose other on the top

Step 4) 選你所想委託的驗證人 choose your validator

Step5) 按進去 後選「delegate」 choose delegate after your click the validator

Step 6) 跟指示完成並確認 follow the steps and confirm

Last step) 輸入密碼然後等… input your password and wait…
Finish! 完!
====I am separating line || 我是分隔線====
後記(aka 碎碎諗)
本來想早幾天寫,那時還未掉線,現在寫有點搞笑…搞到自己好似叫人delegate 比自己咁….我無咁既意思啦…只係之前做落左,都係出埋啦咁樣咋….
同埋,咁樣寫下野都幾開心😂 (即自high )