Yesterday afternoon, I finally worked up enough courage to walk myself out of the house and went for a walk. Ran into my Indian American neighbor who lost his wife of 30, 40 years about 8 months ago. I mentioned briefly to him about what happened to my younger brother-in-law. We chatted for half an hour while walking along the creek not far from our housed.
He asked me, what do I think God is. I didn't want to answer that question. He insisted. In the fleet of the moment, I said, I think God is fate. Then one can have one's own definition of what fate is. Then the answer can go on and on just like that, to one's heart content.
He thinks God exists, but not kind. He lost a lot weight since I last saw him and has stopped eating lunch, because it's not worth the effort to cook for one. He asked me again what do I think God really is.
I said, I can't speak for any God. Other people would either think either I am crazy or I am a witch if I do that.