Ведущий Bluetooth и подчиненный Bluetooth
Роли BLE Bluetooth следующие: реклама, сканер, ведомый, главный и инициатор.
IoT Wireless Data Transmission Module: Bluetooth 5.0 VS Bluetooth 4.2
With the development of Bluetooth modules and various wireless transmission protocols in the past two years, the efficiency of Bluetooth wir…
拆解$19的Bluetooth 5.0 Dongle
最近在深水埗腦場看到一款只賣$19的Bluetooth 5.0 dongle,這簡直令人眼前一亮!要知道支援Bluetooth 5.0的dongle在世上絕無僅有,而$19這個價錢甚至比同場另一款只支援Bluetooth 4.0的dongle便宜一半。