[ 翻譯 ]The Boundaries of Discontent 不滿的界線

Alyssa 亞莉莎

在本週的《Simple Newsletter》中,我們討論了因「包容」、「容忍」而產生的不滿情緒、完美衣櫥的打造、購物前應該自問的五個問題,以及更多精彩內容。

不滿的界線|我們的全新短片系列 《Fragments》 最新篇章現已在 YouTube 上線!這部作品揭露了包容可能帶來的意外後果:「你鼓勵所有你容忍的一切。」這或許是我最喜愛的一集。

完美衣櫥|今天早上,我在部落格發表了一篇全新的穿搭文章,探討美國人平均每年購買 53 件新衣來毀掉自己的衣櫃的。

購物前的思考|我們最新的外景影片 〈購物前應該問自己的五個問題〉 這週在 Instagram 和 Facebook 上爆紅!這支影片是在我個人的「地獄」——T.J. Maxx 拍攝的。🤣

簡化接地法|我們的《接地的好處》小冊子獲得了許多正面回饋!這張設計精美的單頁文宣,深入解釋「接地」的科學原理。實踐這個方法的我,成功減輕了自己的慢性疼痛,也因此寫下了這篇文章。你可以在我們的 資源頁面 免費下載。





The Simple Newsletter
By The Minimalists

The Boundaries of Discontent

In this week's Simple Newsletter, we discuss the discontent caused by tolerance, the perfect closet, five questions to ask before making your next purchase, and more.

Boundaries of Discontent. A brand new installment of our short-film series, Fragments, is now streaming on YouTube. It exposes the unexpected downsides of tolerance: "you encourage everything you tolerate." This might be my favorite from the series.

The Perfect Closet. I published a fresh wardrobe essay on our blog this morning. It examines how the average American ruins their closet by purchasing 53 new clothing times every year.

Before Buying. Our latest in-the-wild video, "Five Questions to Ask Before Buying," went viral on Instagram and Facebook this week. We filmed it in my own personal Hell (aka T.J. Maxx). 

Grounding Simplified. We've received a ton of positive feedback about our Benefits of Grounding booklet, a beautifully designed one-page document that explains the science behind Earthing. I wrote this treatise after I was able to minimize my own chronic pain. You can download it for free on our resources page.

Keep it very, very simple.


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Alyssa 亞莉莎持續妝點自己的生活,向內探索。
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