《左耳》Left Ear NFT 創作記錄
因為受邀參加競拍活動之故,《左耳》這孩子的 PFP 正式誕生了。
創作過程伴隨著痛苦與喜悅。做自己有愛的事物,以及用了別於以往的配色,在作品中挑戰超越自己的感覺很好,但維持 10 天的高專注度,每張都是完整構圖真的非常操勞。
我在收到邀請的第一天就決定好 10 張 PFP 的內容。原始靈感:普通的左耳、創作者左耳、被套牢的左耳、致富左耳、機器人左耳、3D眼鏡左耳、梵谷的左耳、塔羅左耳、喝酒的左耳、心得包記者左耳。
正如我的原始靈感,我總是邊畫邊問:「這麼『塔羅』真的好嗎?觀者會有共鳴嗎?」、「喝酒的左耳,會不會讓人不想購買?或是影響了左耳 IP 今後的形象?」、「致富左耳如果只是撒錢也太無聊了吧」、「左耳真的要這麼 NFT 話題性嗎?」,想讓作品易於理解、共鳴、有趣等等的想法在腦袋中打轉,在市場與個人喜好間尋找平衡,甚至開始回憶《左耳》對我來說的意義,我同時也在宣傳過程中觀察社群反應。
經過了這麼多天,最後誕生的睡眠左耳,我自己稱呼她為《晚安左耳》,是我送給自己的祝福,也是 NFT 群組內每位成員的祝福。我想這一切都圓滿了,有種上帝造世界來到第 7 天的感覺,可以休息了。GN
《左耳》NFT 作品一覽 >> link
《左耳》系列源自於我在 2021 年出版的繪本《LEFT EAR》,這是一本關於自我成長的故事。自 2022 年初,我踏入了區塊鏈世界,我將自己化身為左耳,以創作者身分寫下數則 web 3 心得日記。終於在 6 個月後,我得以將在區塊鏈體驗的記憶,集結畫成 10 個不同的左耳,獻給 Tezos NFT 美好的一切。
The Left Ear series is based on my picture book "LEFT EAR", a story of self-growth, published in 2021. Since I entered the blockchain world at the beginning of 2022, I have transformed myself into Left Ear and written several web3 journals as a creator. Finally, 6 months later, I was able to draw the memories of my blockchain experience into 10 different Left Ears, dedicated to all that is good about Tezos NFT.
左耳 Left Ear
所有左耳的原型,也是所有版本左耳的集合體。粉紅色小洋裝是她的特徵,從 2022 開始在區塊鏈世界遊戲。
The prototype of all Left Ears, and the collection of all versions of Left Ears. The little pink dress is her feature and she starts playing in the blockchain world from 2022.

藝術家左耳 Artist Left Ear
This is the artist Left Ear, who is also an alchemist. Her brush strokes look golden to the eyes of the world. Her goal is to make money by doing what she loves to create.

藏家左耳 Collector Left Ear
The collector Left Ear is proudly showing off her collection as she digs for diamonds and quietly waits for the moment when they are ready to be offered. The collector Left Ear is an aristocrat. In the golden world, her collection consists of framed paintings. Outside the golden world, she wears a suit and owns her own virtual gallery. By the way, the collector Left Ear is also an alchemist, too.

梵谷左耳 Vincent Left Ear
In the empty hall without the starry night, Vincent Left Ear was looking for someone to listen to her voice.

問卜者左耳 Querent Left Ear
This is the querent Left Ear that is divining, in the end what to do next, she always can not decide. In her mind, she always thought, "Let's gamble again!

機器左耳 Robot Left Ear
There is no "maybe" or "perhaps", the world is a composition of data. Unlike the indecision of the Querent Left Ear, the Robot Left Ear is precise and accurate, and everything is under control. Once the Robot Left Ear starts to move, the stars will be in turmoil.

影迷左耳 Moviegoer Left Ear
How many pairs of glasses does Left Ear need to watch movies? Which are the eyes of the Left Ear?

狂歡者左耳 Revelers Left Ear
Whether she is a collector or an artist, the Revelers Left Ear has her own way of playing. She is spinning in her own world and she is a believer in " unrealistic".

吟遊詩人左耳 Bard Left Ear
The bard Left Ear compiles everyone's records, and she writes and sings her own stories and those of others. In the land of the immortals, she leaves behind music that will serve as a reference for future adventurers.

沉睡左耳 Sleeping Left Ear
Nighty-night, sleep tight. Whether creating or chasing the stars, it's exhausting. Sleeping Left Ear has been sleeping peacefully, GN.


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