爱冲浪的顶级投资人 — — BILL TAI


Bill Tai:投资界的慧眼与传奇

Bill Tai 是一位享誉全球的风险投资家,以精准发掘早期科技公司而闻名。他不仅在投资领域创造了令人瞩目的成就,还通过支持创新企业和慈善事业,深刻影响了科技与社会的发展。这篇文章将带你走进 Bill Tai 的职业生涯,揭秘他的投资哲学,并讲述他看好的那些公司如何从初创小团队成长为行业巨头的精彩故事。


Bill Tai 出生于美国,成长在一个重视教育的家庭。他在伊利诺伊大学取得了电气工程学士学位(BSEE),并以优异成绩毕业。随后,他进入哈佛商学院攻读 MBA,在那里进一步磨砺了自己的商业眼光。读 MBA 时,他曾参与一个为台湾政府服务的项目,协助台湾半导体制造公司(TSMC)的早期发展。如今,TSMC 已成长为全球市值超 1 万亿美元的半导体巨头,位列全球第八大最有价值公司。

这段经历不仅展现了 Bill Tai 的技术背景,也为他日后投资科技公司奠定了坚实基础。



大学毕业后,Bill Tai 进入半导体行业,加入初创公司 LSI Logic,积累了宝贵的技术和创业经验。完成 MBA 后,他在投资银行 Alex. Brown & Sons 建立了半导体业务部门,成功推动了多家公司(如 Atmel、Cirrus Logic)的首次公开募股(IPO),为他赢得了业内声誉。


1991 年,Bill Tai 正式踏入风险投资领域,加入 IVP(Institutional Venture Partners)担任普通合伙人。2003 年,他为 Charles River Ventures(CRV)在硅谷设立了办公室,进一步巩固了自己在投资界的地位。他还亲手创立或联合创立了多家公司,比如:

  • iAsiaWorks:一家互联网数据中心公司,2000 年通过高盛和摩根士丹利的 IPO 上市。

  • Tradebeam:一家 SaaS 全球贸易管理公司。

  • Treasure Data:他担任董事长兼联合创始人,这家公司后来被 ARM/Softbank 收购。


投资传奇:从 Zoom 到 Canva 的成功故事

Bill Tai 的投资组合堪称教科书级别,他支持的公司中,有超过 22 家成功上市或被收购。以下是他看好的几家明星企业及其成长历程:

Zoom Video:疫情时代的通讯王者

Bill Tai 是 Zoom 的首位投资人,在公司还未正式推出产品时就注入了资金。当时,创始人袁征(Eric Yuan)带着一个小团队,希望打造一款简单易用的视频会议工具。Bill Tai 看到了远程通讯的潜力,果断支持。2020 年疫情期间,Zoom 成为全球最受欢迎的通讯平台,市值一度突破千亿美元。



Canva 起初只是澳大利亚几位大学生的创业项目,旨在让设计变得更简单。Bill Tai 早期投资了这家公司,看中了其用户友好的设计理念。如今,Canva 的估值超过 25 亿美元,已成为全球数百万用户的首选设计工具。


Wish.com 是一个面向大众的电商平台,主打低价商品。Bill Tai 在其早期阶段投资,助力其快速扩张。如今,Wish 已成长为全球知名的电商品牌。


Bill Tai 投资了 Tweetdeck,这款工具后来被 Twitter 收购,成为其生态系统的重要一环。这笔投资展现了他对社交媒体潜力的前瞻性判断。


在区块链和加密货币领域,Bill Tai 选择了 Bitfury。这家公司如今是行业领导者,为他带来了丰厚回报。

这些公司的成功并非偶然,而是 Bill Tai 精准眼光和对市场趋势敏锐洞察的结果。


Bill Tai 的投资秘诀是什么?他曾在采访中透露,自己每月会见 100 多家初创公司,亲自为创业者提供建议和支持。他的投资哲学可以总结为以下几点:

  • 重视团队:他相信,一个优秀的创始人团队是公司成功的关键。

  • 技术驱动:他偏好拥有核心技术优势的公司。

  • 市场潜力:他擅长发现未被满足的市场需求,并押注于未来的大趋势。

在接受 CNNMoney 采访时,他说:“我每天都在帮助企业家推出新产品。”而在福布斯的一次对话中,他指出,如今的创业环境比以往任何时候都更有利 — — 资本门槛降低,创新者更容易脱颖而出。


Bill Tai 的成就不仅限于商业。他联合创立了非营利组织 ACTAI Global(前身为 MaiTai Global),通过冲浪活动将工作、娱乐和慈善结合起来。他还发起了 Extreme Tech Challenge,一个全球初创企业竞赛,决赛在理查德·布兰森爵士的内克岛举行,旨在解决全球性问题。




1.What do you actually do all day in your job?在你的工作中,你整天都在做什么?

My days are spent primarily advising and funding entrepreneurs who are bringing new products to market.我的工作主要是为那些将新产品推向市场的企业家提供建议和资助。

I spend a lot of time meeting with new startups each day, as I am introduced to well over 100 each month seeking advice and capital. In addition I have several dozen companies I have already funded, some of which I am very active in building.我每天花很多时间与新创业公司会面,因为我每个月都会被介绍给100多家初创公司,寻求建议和资金。此外,我已经投资了几十家公司,其中一些公司我非常积极地参与建设。

The two keeping me busy at the moment are a Big Data company called Treasure Data where I am a co-founder and chairman, and BitFury, the world’s largest cryptocurrency infrastructure operator, where I am a director and head the strategy committee of the board.目前有两家公司让我很忙,一家是名为Treasure Data的大数据公司,我是该公司的联合创始人兼董事长,另一家是全球最大的加密货币基础设施运营商BitFury,我是该公司董事,并担任董事会战略委员会主席。

2.How many hours do you sleep?你每天睡几个小时?

My sleep pattern is “early to bed, early to rise” but in chunks. I like to be in bed by 10 p.m., hoping to be asleep by 10:30, knowing that I will wake up hungry enough to eat again between 1:30–2 a.m. I’m usually asleep again by 3 a.m. after some reading or email and up by 6 when I start my workout routine. So around 6 hours.我的睡眠模式是“早睡早起”,但是是分段的。我喜欢晚上10点上床,希望能在10点半前入睡,因为我知道我醒来时肚子饿得足以在凌晨1点半到2点之间再吃一顿。我通常在凌晨3点阅读或发邮件后又睡着了,6点开始锻炼。大约6个小时。

3.What do you eat for breakfast?你早餐吃什么?

I don’t like to work out on a full stomach so don’t have a meal at breakfast; generally I get going on 2–3 cups of plain English Breakfast tea intermingled with my morning workout.我不喜欢在吃饱的时候锻炼,所以早餐不吃;一般来说,我早上锻炼的时候会喝2–3杯普通的英式早餐茶。

4.If you could be pitched to by one person, who would it be?如果你能被一个人推销,那会是谁?

I’d love to be pitched by the late Steve Jobs. He will unquestionably go down in history as one of the great geniuses of our time. I did have the honor of meeting him, but it was in the era after he was kicked out of Apple and was ramping up Next Computer and funding Pixar. I’d like to understand both what his vision is for “what’s next” and also just experience the magic of his persona when he is selling a vision. 我很乐意被已故的史蒂夫·乔布斯推销。毫无疑问,他将作为我们这个时代最伟大的天才之一载入史册。我确实有幸见过他,但那是在他被赶出苹果公司、组建Next电脑公司并资助皮克斯动画工作室之后。我既想了解他对“下一步是什么”的愿景是什么,也想体验一下他在推销愿景时的魅力。

5.What’s on your home screen?你的主屏幕上是什么?

I have two home screens: an iPhone 6+ and a Samsung Galaxy 6 Edge running Android. I use both so I can test products from my companies on both platforms, and my home screens are populated with products I’ve funded.我有两个主屏幕:一个是iPhone 6,另一个是运行安卓系统的三星Galaxy 6 Edge。我使用这两个平台,这样我就可以在两个平台上测试我公司的产品,我的主屏幕上显示的都是我投资的产品。

I aggregate many apps in a “social” bundle. That includes companies I’ve funded like Twitter (via acquisition of Tweetdeck) for news, Tango.me for calling, Zoom.us for group video and screen sharing, Lulu for fun, Reserve for restaurant reservations, Wish.com for shopping, and Intro by About.me to replace business cards.我将许多应用整合到一个“社交”包中。这包括我投资过的公司,比如Twitter(通过收购Tweetdeck)和Tango以用来通讯。ZOOM用于群组视频和屏幕分享,Lulu用于娱乐,Reserve用于餐厅预订,Wish.com用于购物,以及About.me用来换名片。

I also have iWindsurf, which I did not fund, to check the wind speed in areas I kite. I also have to mention my home screen photo, which is a really cool photo from an event I was invited to by the Oceanic Preservation Society. It’s a photo of the first ever performance art illumination of the Empire State Building with images of endangered species.我也有iWindsurf,这不是我资助的,用来检查我冲浪地区的风速。我还必须提到我的主屏幕照片,这是一张非常酷的照片,来自海洋保护协会邀请我参加的一个活动。这是有史以来第一次在帝国大厦用濒危物种的图像进行表演艺术照明的照片。

6.How often do you exercise?你多久锻炼一次?

I exercise every day. I have a daily routine of sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups and other body weight exercises. When I’m not travelling, I also run 5 miles each morning to think through my plans for the day. During the windy season in the Bay Area — April through August — I kitesurf twice a week from 5–6 p.m. in spots near Silicon Valley. I also get in 3–5 days a month of kiteboarding or snowkiting at various MaiTai events.我每天都锻炼。我每天都要做仰卧起坐、俯卧撑、引体向上和其他体重锻炼。当我不旅行的时候,我也每天早上跑5英里来思考我一天的计划。在旧金山湾区多风的季节 — — 4月到8月 — — 我每周在下午5点到6点在硅谷附近的地方玩两次冲浪。我每个月还会在各种MaiTai活动中花3–5天的时间玩风筝板或滑雪。

7.What app can’t you live without?什么应用程序是你生活中不可或缺的?

Twitter and Facebook for news and social information, Zoom.us for video-based business meetings, and Voxer for real-time walkie talkie-like group communication.推特和脸书用于获取新闻和社会信息。Zoom用于视频商务会议,Voxer用于实时的群组通信。

8.What’s your favorite city?你最喜欢哪个城市?

It’s hard to beat San Francisco for an overall blend of vibrant business culture, wonderful mix of classic urban areas intermingled with great open space and waterfront, and an outdoor sports culture. I also love Perth, Australia, for its natural oceanfront beauty — I travel there frequently in my role as an adjunct professor at Curtin University of Technology, which is based there. I definitely need to be in places where I can kitesurf.在充满活力的商业文化、经典城市地区与广阔的开放空间和海滨的完美结合以及户外运动文化方面,很难击败旧金山。我也喜欢澳大利亚的珀斯,因为那里有天然的海滨美景 — — 作为科廷科技大学(Curtin University of Technology)的兼职教授,我经常去那里旅行。我一定要去能玩风筝冲浪的地方。

9.What’s the most important company we’ve never heard of?我们从未听说过的最重要的公司是什么?

Zoom.us has completely changed the way I am able to work with my companies to share information across teams and groups, and it has allowed me to expand my work internationally. It’s a product that I depend on weekly. In the category of potential sea changes, if bitcoin ever becomes mainstream, BitFury may emerge as a giant, so keep an eye on them too.zoom.us完全改变了我与公司合作的方式,在团队和团体之间共享信息,它使我能够将我的工作扩展到国际上。这是我每周都要使用的产品。在潜在的巨大变化中,如果比特币成为主流,BitFury可能会成为一个巨人,所以也要关注它们。

10.Are there any social platforms you refuse to participate in?有没有什么社交平台是你不愿意参与的?

There are many social platforms that I don’t use because I don’t have a need for them, but I can’t think of any I am specifically not using for moral or philosophical reasons.有很多社交平台我不使用,因为我不需要它们,但我想不出任何一个是出于道德或哲学原因而不使用的。

11.What are you reading right now?你现在在读什么书?

I’m re-reading The Mystery of Capital by Hernando de Soto, which is a book about the fundamental roots of capital formation and its role in the development of economies. The book has new relevance to me, as I’m helping the author think through ways to implement his economic theories using a modern technology called Blockchain.我重读了埃尔南多·德索托的《资本的奥秘》这本书讲的是资本形成的根本根源及其在经济发展中的作用。这本书对我来说有了新的意义,因为我正在帮助作者思考如何使用一种名为区块链的现代技术来实现他的经济理论。

12.Do you think there’s a tech bubble?你认为存在科技泡沫吗?

I get asked that a lot, and my answer is that tech valuations are cyclical, and that we are obviously closer to the top than we are to the bottom. That said, I think we have another 2–3 years before it peaks, so long as there is not an extraneous macroeconomic event that causes a systemic collapse.很多人问我这个问题,我的回答是,科技股的估值是周期性的,我们显然更接近顶部,而不是底部。也就是说,我认为,只要不出现导致系统性崩溃的外部宏观经济事件,我们还需要2–3年时间才能见顶。

13.Best piece of advice you’ve been given?你得到的最好的建议是什么?

Be true to your passions in your choice of work, and get great mentors who have already been through everything you will face. Make sure you are listening and not just hearing.在你选择的工作中忠于你的激情,找那些已经经历过你将要面对的一切的优秀导师。确保你在倾听,而不仅仅是听。

14.What keeps you up at night?什么事让你夜不能寐?

For me, it’s primarily physically based. If there is a day I miss a workout, it’s really hard for me to fall asleep that night.对我来说,它主要是基于物理的。如果有一天我错过了锻炼,那天晚上我真的很难入睡。

15.If you could tell your 18-year-old self one thing, what would it be?如果你能告诉18岁的自己一件事,那会是什么?

Always surround yourself with winners who push you to try new things outside your comfort zone, and always act with 100% integrity in everything you do, as people will always remember that about you.让自己身边的人都是成功者,他们会推动你尝试新事物,走出你的舒适区,做任何事都要百分百诚实,因为人们会永远记住你。


Bill Tai 的故事是一个技术专家、投资家和社会贡献者完美融合的典范。他的慧眼不仅成就了 Zoom、Canva 等科技巨头,也激励着新一代创业者和投资者。他的投资哲学告诉我们:成功不仅需要眼光,更需要对人和趋势的深刻理解。

从半导体到区块链,从硅谷到全球,Bill Tai 用行动证明了一个道理:真正的传奇,不只在于财富的积累,更在于对未来的塑造。

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