[Cloudflare][WordPress]Cloudflare的更進階防護 - Zero Trust
在之前的文章中我透過了Cloudflare的WAF規則設置了幾個措施減少不必要的騷擾(直接被Cloudflare擋下),但對於登入頁面來講之前的規則似乎又有點嚴苛(如登入頁面或是admin-ajax.php等服務限定IP才能登入) 有興趣的人可以翻翻之前的文章,而這篇文章是進一…
[Cloudflare][WordPress]Cloudflare的更進階防護 - Zero Trust
在之前的文章中我透過了Cloudflare的WAF規則設置了幾個措施減少不必要的騷擾(直接被Cloudflare擋下),但對於登入頁面來講之前的規則似乎又有點嚴苛(如登入頁面或是admin-ajax.php等服務限定IP才能登入) 有興趣的人可以翻翻之前的文章,而這篇文章是進一…
這篇文章和以往的調整Header文章其實沒太大的差異,唯獨就是這裡是用Cloudflare來達成目標以往調整Header的文章可參考 [OpenLiteSpeed]讓WebPageTest的Security Score達成A+ 透過OpenLiteSpeed的調整讓Hea…
雲端安全巨頭 Cloudflare:強勁業績預示股價上升空間
[郵件系統]利用Cloudflare的電子郵件路由(Email Routing)功能,使Gmail可以寄送自我網域的郵件
這裡介紹的,是利用Cloudflare的電子郵件路由(Email Routing)功能,再透過Gmail來收發自己網域的信件※,且發出的郵件都會顯示以自己購買的域名名義發送 ※這裡有個但書,是僅限於使用網頁介面的Gmail做收發信件,無法透過Outlook或是Thunderbir...
Revolutionizing Image Delivery: The Power of Cloudflare Images
In today's fast-paced digital world, image delivery plays a critical role in the user experience. From website load time to quality retentio...
Revolutionizing Content Delivery with Cloudflare Images: A Comprehensive Overview
Content delivery is a crucial aspect of modern websites and online applications. The need for fast and reliable delivery of images and other...
Accelerating the Delivery of Digital Content with Cloudflare Images: An In-Depth Analysis
In the digital age, images have become a crucial aspect of online communication and commerce. They add visual appeal, provide information, a...
Streamlining Video Delivery with Cloudflare Stream: A Game Changer in Content Delivery
Video content has taken over the internet, with billions of hours watched every day on platforms like YouTube and Vimeo.
How to Add a TOTP Two-Factor Authentication Account with Cloudflare into Authy
Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an important layer of security that helps protect online accounts from unauthorized access.
Exploring the Potential of Cloudflare's Polygon Network Gateway
This article delves into the capabilities and potential of Cloudflare's Polygon Network Gateway. The Polygon Network Gateway is a new layer ...
Maximizing Website Performance with Cloudflare Analytics: A Guide for Experts
As website performance becomes increasingly critical to user experience, businesses must stay ahead of the curve by utilizing the best tools available.
Maximizing Delivery: A Guide to Optimizing Static Content with Cloudflare
In the world of web development, delivering static content such as CSS, JavaScript, and images to users quickly and efficiently is crucial f...
Accelerate Your Website's Performance with Cloudflare's HTTP 103 Early Hints: An In-Depth Guide
As the web continues to evolve and user expectations continue to rise, delivering fast and responsive websites has become increasingly important.
Optimizing Your Website's User Experience: A Comprehensive Guide to Monitoring Front-end Performance with Cloudflare Analytics
As a website owner, you're always looking for ways to improve your site's user experience and keep visitors engaged. One of the key factors ...
[WordPress]解決因為LiteSpeed Cache採用CDN mapping造成版面錯誤的小技巧
鑑於之前的「[WordPress]靜態內容採用Cloudflare,動態內容採用QUIC.cloud(搭配LiteSpeed Cache)」這篇文章 [WordPress]靜態內容採用Cloudflare,動態內容採用QUIC.cloud(搭配LiteSpeed Cac...
Plesk / Cloudflare / Lightsail 混合架構的安全規劃
本文描述 Plesk / Cloudflare / Lightsail 混合架構下的一些好像很安全,令人感到安心的安全規劃。
之前我寫過許多如何將各家網域指向CLOUDWAYS主機的文章❐,唯獨缺了gandi,以及透過Cloudflare設定DNS+串接CDN的應用,於是,便直接透過這支影片,帶大家實際操作一遍。包含在CLOUDWAYS新增SERVER、CLOUDWAYS Platform的功能介紹、A...
【Jetpack by WordPress.com】WordPress外掛教學,輕鬆設定網站加速、CDN服務
Jetpack 是一套使用WordPress必備的免費外掛,它有提供「停機監控」、「後台登入防護」、「圖片CDN優化」和「訪客統計」等功能,有些更進階的功能就必須選擇付費版,一般來說使用免費版就足夠使用了。外掛資訊 作者: Automattic 網址: http...