Top 10 Languages to Learn for Translators
Learning languages like Spanish, Mandarin, French, German, Arabic,Japanese, Italian, and Korean etc can boost a translator's career.

Beyond Google Translate: Complexities of Machine Translation
Complexities of Machine Translation The world today has high level mobility and hence, the contribution of artificial translation has become more critical.

How Translation Apps Influence International Relations
In today s interconnected world, international relations have never been more critical. Globalization, trade, diplomacy, and cultural e...
Translating Cuisin
Discover how flavors transcend borders, how spices define cultures, and how translation preserves the essence of global cuisines.

The Evolving Landscape of the Translation Industry in 2023
Discover the latest trends shaping translation industry in 2023. Stay ahead in the dynamic translation industry with expert insights.

Voice Cloning for Global Success
Learn how Voice Cloning technology is revolutionizing industries worldwide, enabling personalized and impactful communication strategies.

When language affects cognition.
Discover the benefits of text and voice translations and select the one that is most suitable for you.

What are the features of Machine Translation?
Get deeper knowledge of Machine Translation (MT), the future technologies, and the strategies of implementing MT tools into localization workflow.

Unlocking the Potential of Real-Time Translation: Features and Benefits
Use the power of real-time translation to take your communication and business processes to a new level with instant translation technologies.

Foreign Language Anxiety - How to Overcome Xenoglossophobia
What is Xenoglossophobia?How does it affect learning a new language?How can you overcome it?Find answers to all the questions in this article
自然有權力問題:讀Shiho Satsuka《Nature在翻譯》
最近「翻譯」突然成了熱門話題。Shiho Satsuka在2015年出版的Nature in Translation描寫的是一群勇敢追尋自我、落腳加拿大洛磯山脈的日本導遊。但要成為一位「自然譯者」並沒有想像中這麼容易。Satsuka把導覽培訓中浮現的摩擦與困惑追溯到明治維新時代、西方人文社會詞彙被翻譯成日文的過程。

[翻譯] Ineffable Husbands
原作者:Yeo 原作者的推特: 校對:部古鸟 本人只負責翻譯,喜歡的話,請記得去原作者的推特按讚、留言一聲。翻譯授權證明。

[翻譯] Ineffable Bureaucracy
原作者:Yeo 原作者的推特: 校對:部古鸟 本人只負責翻譯,喜歡的話,請記得去原作者的推特按讚、留言一聲。翻譯授權證明。

[翻譯] Ineffable Bureaucracy
原作者:Yeo 原作者的推特: 本人只負責翻譯,喜歡的話,請記得去原作者的推特按讚、留言一聲。翻譯授權證明。

[翻譯] Ineffable Husbands
原作者:Ereki 原作者的推特: 原作者的Tumblr: 友情協力:箏子病房 校對:部古鸟 本人只負責翻譯,喜歡的話,請記得去原作者的推特、Tumblr按讚、留言一聲。

[翻譯] Ineffable Husbands
原作者:Ereki 原作者的推特: 原作者的Tumblr: 本人只負責翻譯,喜歡的話,請記得去原作者的推特、Tumblr按讚、留言一聲。

[翻譯] Ineffable Husbands
原作者:Ereki 原作者的推特: 原作者的Tumblr: 本人只負責翻譯,喜歡的話,請記得去原作者的推特、Tumblr按讚、留言一聲。

[翻譯] Ineffable Husbands
原作者:Ereki 原作者的推特: 原作者的Tumblr: 本人只負責翻譯,喜歡的話,請記得去原作者的推特、Tumblr按讚、留言一聲。

[翻譯] Cherik
도마뱀的X戰警的動物化漫畫系列作品。原作者的推特: 本人只負責翻譯,喜歡的話,請記得去原作者的推特按讚、留言一聲。翻譯授權證明。

[翻譯] Animal Avengers
Mushstone的復仇者聯盟動物化的漫畫系列作品。原作者的dA: 本人只負責翻譯,喜歡這系列作品的話,請記得去原作者的dA按讚、留言一聲。翻譯授權證明。已向作者表示會轉載他處。