刘果 | Guo Liu
Tornado Cash:以太坊的压力测试



ZuSocial: notes and reflections
In November Istanbul, alongside the vibrant communities of ZuConnect and Devconnect, we held a 2-week hacker house focusing on decentralized social.

Groups and autonomous spaces: a mental model for better social networks
What if instead of seeing a social network as a network of individuals, we see it as a collection of autonomous communities?

The Economics of Matters Town
Reflections on the economics of Matters Town, what we have learned, and what could be the next steps.

What does blockchain bring to social protocol?
Reflections on social protocols and their relationship to blockchain. Part of my notes for ZuSocial, a 2-week hacker house focusing on decen…

ZuConnect decentralized day: lessons from the past
Notes from a full day of panel discussions, where we draw lessons from offline communities, architecture, and non-traditional social network…


联邦制社交协议:Nostr,Secure Scuttlebutt,Farcaster,ActivityPub
Nostr 最近引起很多关注。获得了 Twitter 前 CEO Jack Dorsey 的支持,客户端 Damus 一度进入 Apple store 下载前十,注册用户据说已经超过一百万。前几天在 Web3 101 播客聊了聊它和 Farcaster、Secure Scuttl...

一种新的人与人的组织方式正在成为可能。不管我们称之为去中心化社交媒体、DAO 还是 DeSoc,背后有共通问题:什么样的机制能让社群产生价值,并实现良性循环?这样的机制需要社群共同演进,我们如何一同描述和讨论它?

IPNS Content Feed 还可以拿来做什么?
1. 为珍视的内容进行备份;2. 为自己的 ENS 配置个人页面

Devcon VI Watch List for Content and Social Applications
Curated topics for builders and investors looking at Web3 content ecosystem and social media.

关于 DDoS 与去中心化的碎碎念
昨晚 Matters.News 遭遇了一次大规模的 DDoS 攻击。虽然 Matters.News 历史上遭遇过几次 DDoS,但这一次时间最长、流量最大,前后持续9小时,峰值达到每五分钟五千万次请求。这次攻击成功之处也在于它的去中心化,发起请求的 IP 均匀分布在全世界各地,导...
Web3 Application Achitecture
Notes from Matters Web3 lecture series, on emerging trends and patterns of web3 application architecture.

Designing Ownership for Collaborative Content
Web3 brings ownership to the digital world, and gave us the chance to design new forms of ownership that can avoid dilemmas between private …