How do Social Media Marketing Agencies Engage Audiences?
Social media has revolutionized the way businesses connect with their target audience. From small start-ups to established corporations, the…
Mastering the Art of Online Advertising: Strategies for Your Agency's Success
In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, Online Ads Agency in Bhubaneshwar has become a cornerstone for agencies aiming to achieve succ…
A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Social Media Management in Bhubaneswar
Social networking is now a vital tool for both individuals and businesses in the current digital era. Effective use of social media can boos…
Maximizing Your Online Presence: Social Media Management Services in Bhubaneswar
In the current digital world, it is essential for companies of all kinds to have a strong online presence. With millions of people using soc...
Liker.Social 籌款計劃-升級主伺服器-目標 100USD/月
因爲整體用戶的增多,Liker.Social 面臨著嚴重的性能問題,目前的主要伺服器的設定為 2vcore 和 4GB ram,我們目前依靠延遲來自聯邦的請求更新維持伺服器的活躍。
Notes: 【Skillshare】Social Media Marketing - User Growth & Engagement
Social Media Marketing: Top Tips for Growing Your Followers Going Viral Cat Coquillette SkillshareWhy social media matters?
一种新的人与人的组织方式正在成为可能。不管我们称之为去中心化社交媒体、DAO 还是 DeSoc,背后有共通问题:什么样的机制能让社群产生价值,并实现良性循环?这样的机制需要社群共同演进,我们如何一同描述和讨论它?
樹懶麻瓜闖天涯|讓人愛上Liker Social的十大原因——脫離Facebook、Instagram、Twitter的一片淨土
Liker Social是一個怎麼樣的平台呢?
Devcon VI Watch List for Content and Social Applications
Curated topics for builders and investors looking at Web3 content ecosystem and social media.
Hello! 日編| 社群|社群帳號幹嘛要經營,不是做好,放著就好了啊?
Liker.Social 2022 中旬运营報告及社區委託申請書(Basic Community Delegation)
雖然廣告的收入不菲,但是為了保證用家體驗,我們仍然決定不引入廣告,Liker.Social 自創立以來,引入了讚賞鍵、支持嘟文、ISCN 以及將來會引入 LIKENft,我們會一直保持用戶體驗第一的營運目標。到現在為止,Liker.Social 剩餘資金約可以運行五個月,因此,如…
Be real in real life, Be real 新社交媒體
Potato media社群挖礦平台夯什麼?賺錢方式、優缺點等完整介紹。
本文將為各位介紹用戶數蒸蒸日上的Potato media區塊鏈社群平台,然而,在決定加入這個「create to earn」邊創作邊賺錢社群平台之前,必須先進一步認識Potato media是什麼,賺錢方式、優缺點、平台規定等入門知識,從而評估是否應該加入。
從Elon Musk收購Twitter風波,看社交平台的治理議題
How to develop a social network app
Discover how you can create a social media apps
3 Reasons Why Decentralized Social Media Is The Future
When it comes to the term “social media,” social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube come to our minds right the way.
What are we depending on?
Nowadays, many people have smartphones, include you and me. With using smartphones, we have a lot of conveniences, like using Google map to ...
監視資本主義:智能陷阱 (The Social Dilemma)
演算法也好,人工智慧也好,無法判斷善惡,沒有道德界線,更無價值判斷,它只有各種不同分類的組合結合起來,你這類的應該是喜歡看那類的,只要你有這類特質分類 match 上,它就會把你的資料賣出去,讓想要買這些特質的買家,可以賣它的廣告、它的文宣、它所有想要的商品,讓你看到!
Facebook 特朗普禁令爭議未完 言論自由的界線誰來定?
Facebook 監督委員會 (Oversight Board)上周作出裁決,認為 Facebook 禁止美國前總統特朗普使用其平台的決定合理。這項裁決雖然只是針對特朗普的兩個 Facebook 帖文,但卻引起一個更具爭議的問題:對於社交媒體平台來說,甚麼是言論自由,以及誰可以定義它。